green table

The brand, GreenTable created in 2000 under the name Les Frigorifiques Bouzargtoun, we initiated a vigorous step which has made our products conquer the frozen rays of supermarkets and hypermarkets in Morocco. Since that time we have continued to make efforts to meet the needs of our customers. As a matter of fact, we initiated a new stage to strive a significant and successful carrier in the future. We will capitalize on the renowned Les Frigorifiques Bouzargtoun to breathe new dynamism to our brand GreenTable in order to make our offer and unavoidable position as the national leader in the processing and recovery of the seafood. Due local innovation we created a new range of seafood products we expect to bring answers to the many expectations of the GMS and foodservice customers.

مصنع الطاولة الخضراء

The Brand, GreenTable Created In 2000 Under The Name Les Frigorifiques Bouzargtoun